2-8 Pax
90 Mins
Live NPC:
It is well-known that this hotel was the scene of several inexplicable, tense killings in the distant past, notably the “Elisa Lam Murder Case,” which caused a worldwide sensation. Back to the present, you are part of a group of adventurous travellers who enjoy paranormal activities. You chose to stay in Room 506, where “Elisa Lam” had resided, to find out whether there is a ghost at the Cecil Hotel based on Internet reports, but the hotel has already permanently shuttered Room 506. No one has another opportunity to enter. This is insufficient to quench your curiosity, so to sneak in, you pay the hotel security guard a bribe to arrange a one-hour gap in the early morning.
Note: The game may include activities such as chasing; therefore, it is advisable, if possible, to wear athletic shoes.